VGA Planets Super Site

Glory Devices

Two Fascist shipdesigns have a device built into the hull called a Glory Device. These two ships are the D19 Nefarious and the Saber Class starships. When one of these ships set off the Glory Device it does 1 minehit (1 minehit = 10000/ (hullmass+1) ) of damage to all ships at the same point in space and destroys itself. While only the Fascists can build these ships, any race that can get their hands on them can use them.

Controlling the Glory Device
By using different friendly codes the glory device can be used in different ways. By using the "pop" friendly code the D19 or Saber class starships will automatically explode after the movement phase of the hostrun.

With a friendly code of "trg" the D19 or Saber class starships will explode after the movement phase (*) of the hostrun, if:

  • The D19 or Saber has a primary enemy set and a cloaked ship belonging to that primary is at the same location as the D19 or Saber. Cloakers owned by the same race that owns the Glory Device and cloakers owned by official allies of the Glory Device's owner will never set off the Glory Device.
  • The D19 or Saber has a KILL mission, and a cloaked ship not belonging to the same owner or one of his allies is at the same location as the D19 or Saber. Cloakers owned by the same race that owns the Glory Device and cloakers owned by official allies of the Glory Device's owner will never set off the Glory Device.

* Since host version 3.22.047, Glory devices also check for enemy cloaked ships after the auxbc.ini phase, meaning there are two moments after movement in which this check is done. This was added because some addons include movement in the auxbc phase, which enabled people to move cloaked ships to or near a ship with a Glory Device without triggering the device.

Glory Devices and fuel
To explode, a D19 or Saber does not need fuel. More precisely:

  • A friendly code of "pop" will cause the ship to explode, even if it has no fuel
  • A friendly code of "trg" together with a primary enemy setting will make the ship function as a cloaker-detector against ships belonging to that primary enemy, even if it has no fuel.
  • A friendly code of "trg" together with a KILL mission does require fuel, because having a mission set (in this case: KILL) requires fuel.

Exploding Glory Devices
When a Glory Device explodes the ship's owner is neatly informed by an ingame message:

(-s0000)<<< Glory Device >>>
ID # 90
has exploded at:
( 2210, 1978)
Friendly code: pop

When exploding, the glory device does less damage to Fascist ships than other races' ships. The D19 will do 20% normal damage and the Saber will do 10% damage to ships that the Fascists own. If a glory device that is owned by any other race than the Fascists is set off, ships of that race that are in the same place will also only suffer a partial minehit of damage. Official allies of the Fascists still suffer a full minehit of damage from glory devices if they are in the same place as an exploding glory device. Fascists will always suffer only a partial minehit, no matter who owns and sets off the glory device and no matter if it is set off by an ally or enemy.

Ships that are hit by an exploding Glory Device send a message to their owner, and a copy is also sent to the owner of the exploded Glory Device ship:

(-e0371)<< MESSAGE FROM ENEMY >>
The Bird Men

ID # 371
Glory device!
We have been hit by
Level 6 shockwave!
AT: ( 2210 , 1978 )
Damage is at 217%

Glory Devices and planets
If the explosion takes place over a planet, a number of things happen. First, 25% of all planetary structures are destroyed. Rounding is done in so-called VBround: rounded to the nearest whole number, and if the outcome before rounding has a decimal of exactly .5 it is rounded to the nearest even number. Secondly, 40% of a planet's colonist population is killed. If there are natives living on the planet, 40% of their population is also killed - again, using VBround and using the number of clans in the formulas, not the actual population. Siliconoid, Reptile and Bovinoid natives as well as Lizard and Crystalline colonists are immune to Glory Devices' effects. Starbases do not suffer any damage from exploding Glory Devices. Exploding a Glory Device over one of your own planets does not cause any damage to the planet.

The Berthold rays that result from a Glory Device explosion will kill ALL Amorphous life on a planet that occupies the same point in space as the exploding starship. This will cause all of the Amorphous natives to be converted directly into supplies. They will be converted at a rate of 1 supply unit per 1000 natives.

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