VGA Planets Super Site

The VGA Planets Desktop Theme

I was quite surprised that nobody had cooked up a VGA Planets desktop theme yet, so I figured I'd come up with one.

This theme, made for Windows 95 and 98, is largely based on the Windows VGA Planets interface, Winplan. It features many of the same colours and uses genuine Winplan soundeffects. The Wallpaper is the Rebel Symbol, designed and made by Kenneth Wisseman. Icons and cursors are homebrew by yours truly.

The soundfiles use internal mpeg-layer 3 audio compression, so you might need to download and install the l3codec (177 Kb) to be able to play them. To test if you can play the sounds in this theme, see if you can play this sound.

The VGA Planets Desktop Theme comes in a package for the three most popular display sizes: 640*480, 800*600 and 1024*768. It does not include startup and shutdown screens yet. Download this zipfile (244 Kb), unzip it to your themes directory and off you go. Or take a look at the preview first.

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