The Rebels
Fighting the powers that be
The Rebels are a race of humans that developed in much the same way as the other
humanoid races. They evolved over a long period of time until reaching this current stage
in their evolutionary path. The Rebels are believed to come from the same starsystem as
the Evil Empire, where they reportedly lived at a constant state of war with one-another.
Although both these races physically evolved in much the same way, they have a radically
different social structure. Legend has it that both the Rebels and the Evil Empire were
once one and the same race together, but have split in two because of their incompatible
social beliefs.
Once split up from the race that would
later evolve into the Evil Empire, the Rebel Confederation's social and governmental
development was mainly of a much diplomatic and serene nature. This government encouraged
the pursuit of freedom and art. It encouraged people to be involved in their government
and gave them the right of self determination. In their search for races with similar
beliefs, the Rebels visited many worlds and widely spread their view on the universe.
Sadly, this did not earn them much respect from other races' governments. Many of the
governments did not like the dissension that this was causing on their worlds. Deaf to any
and all requests to stop their Rebellious actions, the Rebel Confederation made many
Finally, the other governments decided it was too much and pledged an alliance to stop
the rebels. With their combined resources, knowledge and intelligence, they planned to put
an end to these Rebellious actions once and for all. The Evil Empire, which had by then
developed into a strictly militaristic social structure, was the perfect tool for this.
The result was a long and bloody war, smashing the better part of the Rebel Confederation
but never totally defeating them. Although they had developed some level of spacefare
capabilities and warfare, the Rebel army was no match for the large Evil Empire. The
Rebels were split up into several surviving groups, but never totally eliminated.
Now the remaining Rebel groups back in their home-starsystem are forced to live in
hiding, their revenge limited to guerilla actions. They did prove that under pressure
people often reach their best preformances, resulting in some very pleasing victories over
vastly superiour numbers and firepower. Over the years the Rebels improved their
battleships, and through strategical alliances with native races they even learned to
build some large battlecarriers. Some other Rebel fractions have chosen to venture out
into the galaxy, looking for new systems and cluster to live in and rebuild a society. One
of those Fractions has now landed in the Echo Cluster, ready to make a new beginning.
Race advantages
The Rebels, evolved into a race mainly relying on fighter-warfare, can build fighters
onboard their ships without the usual price of 100 megacredits. Any Rebel ship with
fighterbays and the right combination of minerals and supplies onboard will automatically
convert the materials into fighters. During their guerilla days the Rebels developed a way
to lure planetary defenseposts, and can not be attacked by planetary defenses. This allows
them to safely orbit any planet, as long as there are no enemy ships there.
Race disadvantages
During their history of warfare, the Rebels apparently haven't had to deal with minefields
a whole lot. Most of their ships have only a small amount of beams, so they are a bit
vulnerable in that department.
Special mission
Used on many planets during their years of guerilla warfare, the Rebels have the ability
to perform a Rebel Ground Attack on all colonized planets. This mission is aimed at
disrupting the lives of the colonists, destroying minerals, money, supply-units, mineral
mines, factories and even part of the colonist population. The remaining colonist
population will become more unhappy with each Rebel groundattack, while the natives on the
planet become happier with every attack. Apparently the natives don't like to be ruled by
some colonist race.
Main battleships
The Rebel shiplist is pretty biased towards launching fighters into battle. The Patriot
Class Carrier is a medium-sized warship. It is very effective in battles against small to
medium ships and planets, but only has a limited cargospace so has to be refilled often.
The main Rebel battleship is the tech 10 Rush Class Heavy Carrier. With it's ten
fighterbays and immense cargohold it's a dangerous ship, although not the most dangerous
in the cluster. The Iron Lady Class Frigate is the Rebel ship with the highest amount of
beams - it has eight of them. However, it is easily captured in combat so it should avoid
combat where possible.
Special ships
The Falcon Class Escort has a Hyperjumping device built into the hull, allowing the ship
to move up to 360 lightyears through space in one jump. This makes the Falcon excellent
for far-away surprise attacks (Rebel Ground Attacks), for setting up distant clusters of
planets or to resupply battlegroups in the frontlines.
Gameplay in short
The Rebels are a pretty balanced race to play. Their cheap small and medium ships plus the
Falcon, combined with their immunity to planetary attacks and their Rebel Ground Attack
give them the option to seriously burden other races early in the game. Later on, when it
comes to the real fighting, the Rushes become more important in the Rebel Confederation.
With the ability to build fighters onboard their ships and the relative low cost of their
spaceships, the Rebels shouldn't have too much trouble to keep their head above water in
the ever hostile Echo Cluster.