The Bird Men
Sneaky and mean
The Birdmen are a race of humanoid creatures, with typical black hair and pointy ears.
Their somewhat mysterious and threatening facial expression gives away their true nature
of sneaky warriors. It is believed that the Birdmen were a part of the Avian race long
ago, and have somehow followed a different path of evolution. While the Avians never
really developed any skills and remained a very friendly native race, the Birdmen evolved
into a sneaky and mighty warrior race. The Birdmen as they are today, just love to deceit,
sneak around and wage war.
It is believed the Birdmen were the first race to develop cloaking
technology, allowing them to hide from enemy sensors, ships and planets. This ability
perfectly matches the Birdmen nature, which is one of stealthiness and sneakyness. The
Birdmen don't really like full-scale warfare, but prefer to attack where and when they
want to - when they know they can win the fight.
Ages ago the Birdmen came into contact with the Federation, which at the time was
allied to their longtime enemies the Fascists. While the Federation and Fascists had
overcome their differences and earned eachother's trust, neither of them really trusted
the Birdmen. This was fine with the Birds, who didn't give the Federation much reason to
trust them either. Helping the Feds at one time and backstabbing them the very next
moment, the Birdmen were waging war the way they liked it best - cloak and dagger. In a
good oldfashioned divide and conquer manner, the Birdmen even managed to put an end to the
friendly relations between the Feds and the Fascists.
However, being sneaky does not earn you many friends. The Birdmen have never been able
to sit back and relax, feeling secured by their allies. As a result the Birdmen spent
great effort into perfecting their cloaking devices, and developing a strong fleet of
ships equipped with these devices. The Birdmen now have a wide range of battleships with
cloaking capabilities, which sould suit them well now that they have reached the Echo
Race advantages
The Birdmen are master cloakers, they are believed to be the inventors of the cloaking
device. Many Birdmen ships can hide using a cloaking device built into the ship's hull.
Cloaked ships do not show up on enemy scanners and are protected from enemy attacks. This
enables the Birdmen to pick on the weak and hide from the strong - one of the reasons why
the Birdmen are feared opponents and according to some the terror of the cluster. After
the Federation had developed their Loki Class ship that can decloak enemy ships with it's
Tachyon device, the Birdmen improved their cloaking technique to counter this. As a
result, cloaked ships under Birdmen control can not be decloaked by the Loki anymore.
Race Disadvantages
The disadvantage the Birdmen have in the game is one they share with many races. One on
one, they lack firepower. Especially against races that can build heavy fighter-carrying
ships, the Birdmen will need multiple Darkwings against one enemy ship. Also, having
designed many of their starships to be sneaky rather than powerful, the Birdmen can get
into trouble when attacked head-on.
Special mission
Sneaky as they are, the Birdmen specialty is to spy on enemy planets. Using their Super
Spy mission, the Birdmen can gather detailed information about enemy planets. This
includes a listing of the enemy's resources at that planet and the planet's friendly code.
Even more devious, the Birdmen can actually control the enemy planet's friendly code. This
offers them many tactical options and advantages, such as the ability to safely travel
through the enemy's minefields or to have the planet beam up all it's money to Birdmen
ships in orbit.
Main battleships
The ability to cloak and only fight at the Birdmen's convenience gives the Birdmen many
useful warships. When it comes to serious fighting the Birdmen rely on their two largest
ships: the tech 7 Resolute Class Battlecruiser and the tech 10 Dark Wing Class Battleship.
The Resolute is not too heavily armed, but can still take out most medium enemy ships. The
Dark Wing is an awesome cloaking battleship. There are only two torpedoships larger than
this one in the cluster, but those can't cloak. It has ten beams and eight torpedotubes,
enough to take out most enemy ships. The Birdmen can also build a cloaking carrier, the
Valiant Wind. Although not one of the strongest carriers in the cluster it can certainly
be very dangerous when used in the right time and place.
Special ships
The Resolute and Dark Wing are equipped with advanced cloaking devices. This means these
ships do not burn any fuel to stay cloaked, and can even stay cloaked inside ion storms.
Gameplay in short
Being somewhat undergunned when it comes to head on fighting, the Birdmen have to make
maximum use of the cloaking capabilities and their Super Spy specialty. Relatively cheap
cloaking ships can hunt down the weaker enemy ships, which -especially when done early in
the game- is more often than not a serious burden on an enemy's development. The ability
to sneak up on enemies without being seen and the options presented with the Super Spy
mission give the Birdmen the possibility to overcome the lack of absolute strength by
employing superiour tactics and strategy. The Birdmen require a lot of thinking and
careful planning, which can turn the Birdmen warfleet -despite a seeming lack of
firepower- into a very threatening presence in the cluster.