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Managing your economy Actually this should be simply called Managing your economy, there isn't any real difference between the methods you should use managing your economy as a fighter race and imperial management as any of the others. You just want maximum MC, maximum minerals and everything all where it's needed right? Well if only the galaxy could be so perfect :-P In this article I will detail my ideas for getting the most out of your planets. You _CAN_ prevail, even if you think you were shafted even in the master stage of the game - "Oh no! I've got all these crappy planets near me, my best one in like 30 worlds is like a Reptilian participatory, fair enough government but its only got 3 million natives!!!" (This actually happened to me in one of my games; I didn't actually lose because host suddenly decided to stop hosting, but I did manage to keep a rampaging Privateer at bay with the Empire, possibly the worst possible race for fighting the Priv's with!! And this was in a game with starting conditions 5000 MC, 1 million colonists and mineral normal - an absolute horror for the Empire which _NEEDS_ a ton of minerals and MC for those huge starships) In the next article, Logistics, I will detail my ideas on how transport and supply should be implemented. Remember that everything here is just one player's ideas on imperial management, and I make no guarantee, in fact I seriously doubt that these are the best possible actions to use, since there are so many variables in each individual game and it is impossible to encompass them all; secondly I am _NOT_ exactly the best VGA Planets player around, I do make a lot of mistakes, real bonehead ones at times... Still not discouraged yet??? Excellent! :-) You can now read the good news! Normally I place fairly highly in games I do play, a few near the beginning of last year I didn't go so well, but since then I have become more accomplished (as well as becoming registered!!! Support VGA Planets, register now! if you haven't already done so). Secondly my strength is in imperial resource / funds management, I am not terribly good at inventing / implementing military tactics, my gameplan relies on me having more, bigger and better ships than the enemy (so if you're in the same game as me, and see me near the top of the scoreboard because that's where I'll usually be, don't hesitate to attack, you won't meet much resistance... Just kidding! Run while you still have legs to run with!!!) That is why I love the carrier races :-) Usually I will have 15, 20 or if I'm lucky, even more tech 10 carriers by the time the ship limit is hit, and yes some of them will have transwarp engines. And a wave of support capital ships. It depends on the race. If playing Rebels or Colonials, usually there will be a greater number of tech 10 carriers since there isn't much that has any sort of power below that. In contrast, with the Imperials and Cylons, the fleet will have less tech 10 carriers since they have good smaller carriers which are often necessary (eg. Super Star Destroyer, Instrumentality, and arguably, the Automa) for a balanced fleet. Bored yet??? Ok, let's get to the meat of it all. Firstly, the big picture. My surveys from games I host, talking to other players and chatting on EFNet #VgaPlanets conclude that a lot of players don't pay much attention to taxes. They simply set it at the highest yellow rate (the rate where the Happy Points or HPs don't change) and forget about that planet. Well, let me say this, if you want to get anywhere, you can toss those ideas out, you will get pitiful growth and when you see the amount of MC you could be raking in, you will start feeling rather poor. So, how do I get more MC I hear you ask? Well if you're not the number-crunching'd better become one, now!! Change your life, personality, residence, career if you have to! No, only kidding :-P if you don't wanna get through all this heavy maths (I do! because I'm a wizard with calculators & kicked ass in high school maths... NOT!!! :-P :-) then there are some strategies for you to follow. Qualitative Side Strategies Ok, so you're not interested in the formulas or the linear programming or anything like that. Here are some basic strategies which should improve your (imperial) management.
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