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Battle Sim
In order to be truly successful in the hostile Echo Cluster, you'll have to get the maximum results from your fleet of battleships. It would be really nice to be able to predict the outcome of the battles you might be engaging, to have a fair prediction of the outcome of the fight you're about to start (or, judging by the prediction, run away from). Well, fear no longer, Battlesim lets you do just that. It simulates the battles between the ships you select to fight, and uses the normal host-program to determine the outcome of the battle. You can set Bsim to run the battle you'd like to predict up to 250 times in a row, in order to cancel out the luck-factor (missing torps, chance of increase in hullmass and other oddities). Use this program to determine which is the best order for your ships to fight in, minimising losses. Have a look at which ships your ship can encounter without getting blown to bits and from which ships you should run like hell. Bsim is a DOS-based program and is pretty easy to use. You can select the ships, which techlevel their weapons and engines are (important when Engine Shield bonus is on), and you can control the battle order and the left/right thing by setting the proper friendly codes. See if your ships fight better from the left or from the right, things like that. |
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