VGA Planets Super Site


Name: Autotroll Author: [email protected]
Type: Hosting program Website: AutoTroll Homepage

AutoTroll is totally free, and designed to completely automate the task of hosting VGA Planets. AutoTroll creates a full featured website for you, with links and information of all your games and players. Players can change their settings via e-mail commands or through web based forms with CGI programs.  AutoTroll has its own built in mailer, FTP program, dial-up event manager, game backup system and e-mail and web template syntax language to provide fully customizable web and e-mail messages.

Features include, among others:

  • Built-in message forwarding system so players can e-mail each other even if their email is hidden on the website.
  • Unlimited support for custom variables and language variants
  • Integrated mailer program, with built in messaging - no need for MAPI mailers
  • Host up to 32,000 games
  • Include a database of over 65,000 players
  • Control banned players or e-mail addresses
  • 100% automated hosting, mail checking and website updates
  • Customizable HTML pages that are uploaded to your server after any data changes
  • Allow players to download their zipped, password protected RSTs from your web or FTP site
  • Inactive players can be identified and removed from players. These new openings can be posted to a web page and joinable immediately
  • Internal 32-bit zip algorithm to zip outgoing RST files faster - no need for other zip programs
  • Integrated help file with context-sensitive help

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All other material © of their respectful owners.
This fansite is not affiliated with VGA Planets or Tim Wisseman.
VGA Planets is Copyright © 1992-2017 Tim Wisseman